Image Manipulation
My Online Software for Manipulating Images
he pages under this menu item of Image Manipulation are interactive, allowing a jpeg- or png-format file to be altered in some way.
The software, being web-based, is free-to-use by anyone, though I must stress that I offer no support of any kind. WYSIWYMGIYL (what you might get if you’re lucky).
The software scripts under this menu item consist of:
Colour Name Modder loads a jpeg or png image and allows the colour and opacity of each pixel to be amended by various criteria, by colour name, brightness, saturation and opacity. A thorough range of criteria.
In Every Colour Pixel Each of the 1677216 colours (256 × 256 × 256) is used just once. If there are more than 1677216 pixels in the pic, the remainder are given a selected colour and opacity, if there are fewer than 16777216, then they’re all filled but not all those possible colours are used.
Colours are chosen first based upon RGB values of each pixel, if that colour is already used the nearest colour in numeric terms is found; because of the way that RGB is organised as a number ( × 65536 + green × 256 + blue). this means when looking for nearest match looking through the blues first, then the greens, then the reds. Pixels are looked at starting with the central pixel and working round in an anticlockwise direction. The central pixel therefore will be the original from the photo, because the colour hasn’t been used yet. To prevent this making an original colour block in the centre of the picture, the path is followed in phases, the number of phases being specified by selection.
In One Brightness the hue of every pixel is maintained, its brightness and saturation can be maintained or specified. For any given hue and saturation the full range of brightnesses will not be available, if the specified brightness falls outside the range then there is the option to use the highest available level or to adjust the saturation so that the specified brightness can be reached.
There is the option of leaving black, white, or grey between specified brightness ranges transparent.
This page is related to my page Equivalent Colour Brightnesses, looking at the effects of equal or close brightnesses on colour perception.
Mosaic Tiles There are lots of software products that do simulated mosaic tiling of an image. Mine is related to my experiments with relative brightnesses. The user selects a number of colours plus a grout colour. The selected colours are ordered by brightness and the base photo is analysed into an equivalent number of segments, each forming an equal proportion of the whole base image. Tile colours are then chosen by their equivalent position in the brightness order. As ever, it is to see the effects.
Mosaic Stars is related to my Mosaic Tiles page except that instead of rectangular blocks, it does stars. The user selects a number of colours plus a background colour and opacity. The selected colours are ordered by brightness and the base photo is analysed into an equivalent number of segments, each forming an equal proportion of the whole base image. Star colours are then chosen by their equivalent position in the brightness order. As ever, it is to see the effects.
SVG Modder
One way of defining an SVG file is using stylesheets. That is the way that Adobe Illustrator does it. An SVG file is an XML-format text file, so modifying the stylesheets definitions is quite straightforward.
The Javascript for this page takes each of the ‘fill’ definitions of the input file‘s stylesheets in turn, where the fill colour is specified as hexadecimal, and modifies them according the the criteria chosen by the radio button options.
The radio buttons are colour selection buttons similar to my Mosaic Tiles page and my Mosaic Stars page where a number of colours can be chosen by colour-pick.
Each of the stylesheet ‘fill’s is matched to the picked colours and the nearest is chosen to replace the ‘fill’ colour. Nearest is on brightness, hue and saturation, each matched separately by percentage difference and the lowest of the aggregate of the three percentages is chosen.
Colour Brightness Blotcher re-colours an image according to variable values on the red, green and blue elements of each pixel.
I wrote this some time ago, it’s one of my earlier experiments and I was never quite sure of the point of it, but have kept it going as it can make some interesting effects.