Mosaic Stars
with Limited Colour Set
Mosaic Stars is related to my Mosaic Tiles page except that instead of rectangular blocks, it does stars. The user selects a number of colours plus a background colour and opacity. The selected colours are ordered by brightness and the base photo is analysed into an equivalent number of segments, each forming an equal proportion of the whole base image. Star colours are then chosen by their equivalent position in the brightness order. As ever, it is to see the effects.
or alternatively image url apply
  – see copyright notice
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Formula for calculating brightness:
Background colour
  RGB: brightness: 125 opacity: 100%
Star Inner Radius pxouter radius px
Number of Points px
Line width: px
Number of star colours
Image Rendering on fullsize
Crisp Edges
High Quality
Image rendering is controlled via CSS. The options are CSS image-rendering variables, some of them produce identical results to others in some cases.
Image Smoothing Enabled on Paint
Download Settings
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Paint Result