THE NIGHT WATCH (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam)
• Oranges:53.13%
• Yellows:1.39%
• Yellow-Greens:<0.01%
• Greens:<0.01%
• Cyans:<0.01%
• Blues:<0.01%
• Purples:<0.01%
• Magentas:<0.01%
• Greys:37.36%
• Whites:<0.01%
• Blacks:<0.01%
Mood and Atmosphere:
The blue colour on the shawl of the young woman and the dress of the woman behind her is not, looked at with a colour meter, blue, it is grey-green, looked at in isolation you would say more grey than green. This kind of colour:
The blue-appearing colour is not a flat colour, each pixel is a different shade, the sample square that I have given being just one of them, but if you look at the blue-appearing areas with a colour meter you will see that all the pixels are a shade of grey-green, not blue.
Split into 7 equal brightnesses and every second brightness coloured in, every other one transparent, over an orange radial gradient, overlaid with lines from my edge-detection software.
The net effect is that you can see quite a lot that it is hard to see in the original painting.
Click on the image to show it full screen.