Colour Blotcher
with Limited Colour Set
Colour Brightness Blotcher re-colours an image according to variable values on the red, green and blue elements of each pixel.
I wrote this some time ago, it’s one of my earlier experiments and I was never quite sure of the point of it, but have kept it going as it can make some interesting effects.
or alternatively image url apply
  – see copyright notice
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Formula for calculating brightness:
where the difference between the RED element of a pixel and the element value closest to it in the triad is greater than the slider value, pixel will become the red-replace colour
diff: red-replace RGBA:  
where the difference between the GREEN element of a pixel and the element value closest to it in the triad is greater than the slider value, pixel will become the green-replace colour
diff: green-replace RGBA:  
where the difference between the BLUE element of a pixel and the element value closest to it in the triad is greater than the slider value, pixel will become the blue-replace colour
diff: blue-replace RGBA:  
pixels will be black where they are not alredy converted and the brightness is <= the slider value
pixels will be white where they are not already converted and the brightness is >= the slider value
all other pixels will become this colour
select colour item to change on colour pick
red pixel set
green pixel set
blue pixel set
remainder pixel set
Paint Result
Image Rendering on fullsize
Crisp Edges
High Quality
Image rendering is controlled via CSS. The options are CSS image-rendering variables, some of them produce identical results to others in some cases.
Image Smoothing Enabled on Paint